Collection: Lanshop Buying Guidelines
This guideline is intended to take the place of actual process. In addition, the process indicated below may change depending on such circumstances in both parties agreed.
We would like to advise you to please be aware of stock availability and revision of specifications. Please read carefully all given specs or any details before confirming orders. Promos and prices may change without prior notice.
1. The client must reach us through our contacts (FB, Phone, Messenger) for quotation request.
2. Finalizing your request must require a formal quotation which will be provided by Cheapid.
3. Once your order is settled you will be required to fill up our Online Order Form.
4. There will be 2 types of transaction for Lanshop buyers. (Delivery and Shipping). Please discuss your transaction type to your attending sales person.
4.B Metro Manila & Nearby Provinces clients are all “For Delivery Transaction” only.
4.C For delivery outside metro manila/ Cavite / Bulacan , there’ll be a delivery charge on top of your purchase. It’ll be subject for price checking (based on location) from our logistics department.
4.D Shipping will be advised in areas that our delivery can’t be reached.
4.E Shipping cost, transport of item to shipping courier and any cost alike will be charged on top of your purchase. Clients will shoulder all expenses for shipping.
4.F Sales staff will suggest you the possible lowest cost courier, but still, the client will have the right to choose whom courier will be used.
4.G Cheapid’s liability for the item ends after it’ll be handed over to the courier. Please keep all the details and information provided to you for courier insurance claim.
5. Processing of orders may take up to 1-3 days depending on such circumstances.
6. Upon the delivery, balance must be paid in FULL
7. Upon receiving your item, you will be provided a delivery receipt.
8. We have the right to reschedule the delivery of orders depending on any such circumstances. Please be guided accordingly.
9. Once the client’s confirms the delivery schedule provided by our logistics department thru call or any alike communication and proceed its way to the delivery area, the delivery can’t be canceled. By any means, the client will charge for the cost of the canceled delivery..
10. Once setup is done onsite there will be an assigned team to support via remote ( teamViewer )
(The process of payment will be discussed with you by your attending staff, hence you can refer to the given guidelines below.)
1. Payments can be made through Store Payment, Bank Deposit or via Cash on Deliver.
2. A minimum of 5% of the total purchase is required for down payment.
3. Orders will be processed once payment is confirmed, or at least down payment has been made. No reservation of orders will be done without any placed payment.
4. For store payment, you will be provided a sales receipt with a total amount of down payment attached to your formal quotation. No items or breakdown of quotation will be indicated prior to delivery.
5. For bank deposit, you are required to send us a copy of your deposit slip for confirmation of payment. Full payment is required before your items/orders will be shipped.
6. For cash on delivery, you are still required to place a down payment through store payment or bank deposit before processing your orders. The balance must be made upon delivery of the items.
7. Payment details for bank deposit will be discussed with you by your attending sales staff.
1. Lanshop setup may be included or not on your quotation. Kindly discuss it with your attending staff.
2. Lanshop Setup may be done in (2) two process, On-site and Online setup.
3. For on-site setup, we will send you our technician to your location to set up your shop.
4. For online setup, it’ll be done only through Teamviewer . You will need to provide your own Staff have atleast minimum knowledge on how to operate computers for the setup; he would be guided accordingly by our team.
5. Any occur expenses such as transportation, foods, board and lodging or any alike expenses of our team during the setup are all shouldered by the client and it’s not part of the quotation.
6. The scope of work for our team only covers the network cabling, software setup and up to PC installation. Any kinds of carpentry/electrical works are not part of our service.
7. The shop must be ready and completely by all means both carpentry and electrical works before the scheduled setup.
8. Internet connection is a must before the scheduled setup.
9. The lanshop setup is all for schedule, depending on the availability of our team and the convenience on your part.
10. You will be contacted directly by our team to schedule your setup.
1. All kinds of support will only be done through online and calls. No on-site support will be provided ( we will charge repair and home service fees if onsite is requested )
2. The client is required to have its own personal technician or atleast "bantay" knowledgeable in computers and will only be guided by our team for support.
3. Our lanshop support only covers software problem ie. Timer/Diskless software. For hardware concern, please contact our after sales service number.
4. Please check our store guidelines for warranty claims.
NOTE: Please read all information contained on this page and if you don't understand any of the following points, then please contact us.